Friday, May 16, 2008

Who does she look like?

I can't decide who Laynie looks like. Sometimes I think Jacob, and sometimes I think she looks just like Ryan. The other day I walked up to her crib in the NICU and thought she looked just like Jess (my brother)! Who do you think she looks like?


Jason and Layna said...

I think her eyes look just like Jacob's. I also think she looks alot like Emerson. I want to say she looks like me, but I just don't see it yet, I guess we have to give it time!

Kristy Graff said...

i think she looks more like ryan than jacob. i'm so glad you got to bring her home! let me know if you need anything.
cute bow by the way! ;)

Cammi said...

YEAH!! She has a bow on! You kow the rule - never leave home without a bow and a bracelet!

I think she looks like Jacob with her eyes open (same eyes) and more like Ryan with them closed (her chubby cheeks.) Either way, she's DARLING. Keep posting photos of her! DAILY! We loved seeing her on the webcam last night. She even made a little squeak for us and moved her head once. Reilly is convinced she looks just like her and kept saying, "Ooooooh, I just love her chubby cheeks!"

Judy Stohl said...

She is so beautiful and perfect and looks just like herself. I love the bow in her hair. Happy Birthday Angie!!

Lindsay said...

I think she looks like Ryan. Either way she is adorable and I'm so glad she is finally home!! Happy Birthday Angie!! I meant to stop by...ugh, what a bad friend I am! I hope you had a great day!! Please let me know if you need anything.

jksfam said...

She looks like a cute little girl! I hope that you are all doing well!

Heaps Crew said...

One more vote for looking like Jacob. She couldn't be any cuter!