Sunday, June 22, 2008

In Utah

Laynie and I have finally arrived in Utah. After three long weeks, it was so great to see the boys, and they were equally excited to see us! They have been so cute with Laynie. She is not the happiest baby in the world so we had to wait to take a picture until she had her eyes opened and wasn't crying. My boys were so easy as babies. I don't know what to do with a crying girl! We love her just the same, but can't wait until she can be awake and content!

I was very excited for Laynie to meet my sister Layna. I am very lucky to have Layna as a sister! She has so many qualities that I admire and I hope Laynie can grow to be like her (and her aunt Cammi Lynne too!)
Jackson was so excited to hold Laynie. He did a great job keeping her asleep!


Lindsay said...

Your boys look tan and blond!! They must have been having fun without you. I'm glad you are all together again. But I miss not having you around to talk to!! Check your e-mail...

Cammi said...

How fun! Jacob and Ryan do look tan and blonde! Party Hearty in Utah, I guess! I love Laynie's shiny hair. Sorry she's been so fussy! That's a girl for you! Reilly used to go ballistic when I put her in the car seat. She also screamed from 11pm - 1am in the morning unless I let her nurse non-stop. Carter never made a peep as long as he was fed and changed. So, maybe it is a girl thing? You're right - Jacob and Ryan were super easy babies. AND SO CUTE!

I hope Laynie has lots of Layna's personality, too! Especially her great style (scrapbooking, clothes, etc!) and her fun sense of humor.

Jackson looks so excited to hold Laynie. How sweet. It was so fun to see he and Emerson on Skype today. I haven't seen them in so long. I thought Laynie looked bigger from last week. She's finally chubbing up a bit! It's about time!

Kristy Graff said...

i'm tellin' ya, girls are WAY harder than boys!!! i'm glad you made it to utah safely. have fun there!