Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Little Ninja

Ryan began Taekwondo a few weeks ago. Ryan could not wait to get his uniform (is that what it's called?)! He wants to wear it day and night. However, actually doing Taekwondo is another story. He tries his hardest, but this stuff takes a lot of coordination! He really is trying, and since we had to spend $50.00 for his suit (even though we already own one for karate which apparently is different than the one for Taekwondo) I told him he could not quit until he was good enough to costar in a Jackie Chan movie. So, when you see Ryan's name on the credits of a Jackie Chan movie you will know he has finally earned his keep!


Cammi said...

Okay, the $50 uniform fee is worth it because he looks ADOYABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good golly, he is so dang cute. Good job on the tae kwan do, RyRy! Looking forward to seeing some of your moves!

Jason and Layna said...

Ryan we are so excited for you. You need to convince Jackson to sign up!

Anonymous said...

Ryan you look great in your uniform. I am really excited to go your class with you so I can watch you. Jacob, I am so proud of you and your scouting. Both of you are great kids.
Love Grandma