Monday, January 28, 2008

Family Home Evening

Ryan's cute teacher gave me this idea for family night.

It worked great! We all took a turn squeezing toothpaste from the tube.

When all of the toothpaste was emptied from the tube, we each took a turn trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. IMPOSSIBLE! The moral? The toothpaste is like words, once they are out, they cannot be put (or taken) back. The boys said they got it, but only time will tell!


Cammi said...

Yeah! We're so excited that you have a blog! We love the FHE idea. And we LOVE the photos. Post OFTEN so we can see you guys and know what you are up to. Angie - post decorating, design, sewing ideas - I love to see all the handmade things you are doing. Miss you guys and love you lots!
Carter has a question: How do you get the toothpaste back in?

Kim Stohl said...

Very cool family home evening with the toothpaste. Soo true about choosing your words wisely. Yes, it is hard to chose the right words all the time, that is why we need to be kind everyday. I love your guys blog. We use myspace and kim and the girls sites are really cute. I have superman as mine!!! I have 80's music and videos on it!!! :O)

Heaps Crew said...

So happy you are blogging! Seeing Kelly at the Leonard sealing really made me miss you guys. This will be a great way to keep up to date on your family!

Jason and Layna said...

Who knew you guys were so spiritual. I have to do something for Jacksons preschool class. I might try this.

Jennie said...

What great FHE! We can't wait for the day when we can have REAL lessons with Porter---Right noe its makes it through the opening song and that's about it....:) I'm glad your blogging too-- so we can see your cute boys before they are all grown up!

ShelleyB said...

I am looking for Kris and Kim Stohl. They were married Dec. 1990-Jan 1991. I have a note that they wrote to my grandparents Ed and Fawn Latey. They were living in Visalia, California. They have both passed away, but I was wondering if they wanted to have this note. They kept it all these years. Ya'll must have been very important to them. - Shelley Latey-Broyles

ShelleyB said...

I forgot to mention that I can be reached at