Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day

Growing up in sunny California I always thought the kids in the snowy states were sooo lucky because if it snowed they got to stay home from school. Well, what does it take to have a snow day declared? Apparently more snow than this. This didn't even warrant a delayed start. So much for snow days!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Family Home Evening

Ryan's cute teacher gave me this idea for family night.

It worked great! We all took a turn squeezing toothpaste from the tube.

When all of the toothpaste was emptied from the tube, we each took a turn trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube. IMPOSSIBLE! The moral? The toothpaste is like words, once they are out, they cannot be put (or taken) back. The boys said they got it, but only time will tell!

Our New Blog

Layna finally convinced me that we should start a blog! She told me that it can take the place of a journal (which I am not that good at keeping anyway). So, I will try my best to post each week and let you know what is happening in our lives. Maybe we will even start doing exciting things so that we actually have something to write about! We hope you will enjoy reading about the happenings in the Stohl Family and we would especially love to hear what is happening with your family.